[Daily Q&A] Rekapan Tanya Jawab Harian, Kelas Online Bahasa Inggris – Part 4

Berikut adalah rekapan hasil tanya jawab harian di KOBI antara 115 students, 5 tutors dan 1 teacher. Silahkan disimak dan dipelajari ya. 🙂




Idha Rahim



I’ve heard a sentence like this: ‘I hope you don’t mind my sitting here’..why the word ‘sitting’ have particle -ing in this sentence?



♣ Answer

A : ➡ You use that because you use “mind” some words use possessive gerund (my asking).

You will be SITTING there, so it’s like a progressive tense too



Pritha Widia 1C-L



Miss, sy mau tanya tips biar semangat belajarnya terus2an gmn miss? Biasanya kalo dapet sesuatu yg baru awal2 semangat, lama2 semangatnya mulai melemah miss, gmn ya biar terus semangat ky misss fi.



♣ Answer (directy from our teacher).

Hmm. This is an excellent question. First, because people hardly think about it. Second, I don’t really know the answer to that either.


Mgkn, krn sy termasuk tipe pekerja keras. Mgkn jg krn sy gampang penasaran ya? 😅

Atw.. Apa ya. Sy jg ga tau.. Hehe maaf.


Yg jelas.. Jk keikhlasn dan rasa suka mengiringi, proses belajar bs trus kontinyu.


Kl qt bljr dng menemukan ada yg “beda”, di situ semangat dan rasa penasaran bngkit. Tp kl yg dipelajari itu2 aja ya semangatnya segitu2 aja. Hehe..


Bljr Tenses mulu, wajar aja bosan. Tp kl bljrnya perbedaan kata, phonetic symbols, semangt muncul dng sndiriny.


Singkatnya: semua kembali pd pribadi dan niatan msig2.




Nia Setyawati 1C-L



when we use “the” in the sentence ?

I have founded the correct sentece in test Toefl , “I go to bed”, and the sentence “I go to the bed” is wrong.

what the difference between both of them ?

thank you



♣ Answer

Go to bed obviously means go to sleep (it doesn’t even necessarily have to happen on a bed though 😆).

Go to the bed isn’t wrong at all. It just means to go over to the bed and sit on it. Contoh penggunaannya spt di matress store (tempat jualan kasur) and the salesman says, “Go to the bed you like and test it out!”


#Excellent Question




Akbar Syahbana 1-G



Saya agak kesulitan mana yg lebih didahulukan antara belajar speaking atau grammar? Kadang ada org ngomong bagus tp grammar amburadul dan ada pula yg bagus secara grammar tp pasif. Terimakasih



♣ Answer

Hmm. If I’m being honest, both are important.

Kalau org bs Grammar, apa bs dibilang dia bs English?

Pun sebaliknya.

English mencakup keduanya. Tp salah satu dr keduanya blm merp. English.


Jika qt speaking dulu, grammar belakangan,

.. Ujung2nya jg hrus benerin grammar saat speaking udh terla jur “lancar.”


Jika qt fokus grammar duluan, ujung2nya speaking jg repot krn ga pnh qt latih.


Jd.. Kelima hal yg dipelajari di KOBI ini penting. Nulis, ngmg, teori, kosakata, dan mendengar. Smw penting, makanya dilatih smw.


Kuncinya, pelajari semua dng perlahan.


Teacher qt sj butuh waktu 4 tahun utk mendalami bhs Inggris dng serius. So..


Take all. But take each slowly.

#Good question




Rizky Istiawati 1B-L



1. How to use correctly in sentence

I and My friends or My Friends and I

2. When we can use trip or journey or adventure in to the sentence – is it same ?

Thanks miss



♣ Answer

Both are grammatically correct. But the ‘my friends and I’ form is the polite one. People tend to put other people in the beginning.

Journey means perjalanan.

Adventure means petualangan. So it’s more challenging.


#Good questions. You get a double score.


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